Social media optimization is where you use different ways to generate publicity for your Internet business. These ways center on the social media and online communities of people who have common interests such as yours.
1. One of the most effective ways to use social media optimization to build your Internet business is to combine blogging and search engine optimization. Optimizing a blog post, so that its search engine friendly is no different than optimizing a web page has been in the past.
2. RSS feeds are another excellent way to optimize your blog for social media. Having a large subscriber base to your RSS feed is a great way to instantly keep people up to date on what you are doing in your Internet business every time you post a blog article.
3. Adding a Digg button would be another way that you could optimize your blog for social media purposes. This allows people to vote on the popularity of your blog article and it is one of the largest social directories, so they get a lot of search engine traffic there as well. This can lead to back links to your blog which serve as search engine bait.
4. You Tube videos are an extremely popular way to get your sales message out in a blog post. These can also create viral marketing, which is extremely important when it comes to creating more traffic that you might normally not get. A popular video can be downloaded and watched literally thousands of times as word spreads about it.
5. Sharing photos is another way to get people involved. Websites such as Flickr make this very easy to do. Flickr is an image and video hosting website, web services suite, and online community platform that many bloggers use to share photos online.
This is five ways to use social media optimization to get people involved with your Internet business. It is worth spending time learning how to do this because this form of creating publicity is only going to increase in the future